Wednesday, 18 February 2015

The Reason For The Fall In The Price of Scrap Metal

The Reason For The Fall In The Price of Scrap Metal

There’s no denying the fact that the price of scrap metal has fallen dramatically over the past year. The Scrap Price Bulletin have reported that the price of scrap metal in February is at its lowest since 2009. ‘Views that the February market could be down as much as 10-15 per cent began circulating before January sales were in the books’ ( Our industry will fall in line with the rest of the world, and other industries and stock exchanges have a direct effect on the price of scrap.

sell some scrap metal

Price of Oil Affecting The Price of Scrap

‘The drop in oil prices since the third quarter of last year is one of those good news, bad new events for the domestic ferrous scrap industry. Weaker crude oil prices globally have added significant downward pressure on the scrap industry.’ Europe, the US, Asia and European markets each affect the scrap industry. And therefore if one area of industry is seeing decline, it will directly affect the rest. China has seen a massive amount of growth over the past few years, however it has stabilised now. And due to a bad few years in the Eurozone, Europe will now demand less exports. War in Asia has also had a small effect on trade.

Sucden Financial said ‘Still, lower oil prices and weaker commodity currencies will lower the marginal costs levels so support levels may shift lower too. Even so, the projected surplus is not that large, especially given that supply disruptions are an ever-present feature in the copper market and that China - as a net buyer - may well be prepared to increase its strategic purchases, all the more so if prices approach the marginal costs of production.’

And as it filters down from the London Metal Exchange, each and every scrap metal buyer and trader is affected. And unfortunately predictions and forecasts all say the same thing, the price of scrap metal will fall dramatically again before getting better. For a short period in January we saw a slight rise in the price of scrap metal, however, for now it looks like it is in free-fall.

Call Us To Sell Some Scrap Metal

We are a leading scrap metal buyer in the North West, and although the price of scrap has fallen and is to carry on falling, we will always pay you the very highest prices that we possibly can. We want you to come back to us again and again when you want to sell some scrap metal, and trust that we will always give you a fair price. What’s more, as soon as the price of scrap has gone up, when we know, you’ll know.

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

A Fall In Scrap Metal Bolton Theft

A Fall In Scrap Metal Bolton Theft

There have been so many instances of the new scrap metal law working to full effect. The statistics show that there has been a significant decrease in scrap metal theft since the introduction of the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013. The Office For National Statistics show that the number of scrap metal thefts, in the years 2012/13 was 57,983 and after the Act was introduced on the 1st October 2013, the years 2013/14 it had fell to 38,018.

scrap metal Bolton

Around the country there have been reports of investigations, such as Operation Rhonda. As well as many dodgy scrap metal dealers getting caught in the act, exchanging stolen metal or accepting metal and paying cash for it. What’s more, some people have been found to be operating without a licence.

Sell Your Scrap Metal To Us

Here at Metro Salvage, we buy scrap metal Bolton, and you can be sure that not only are we licensed to do so, but we always operate within the law. You can either have a collector’s licence or a site licence, and we have a site licence that you can look at when you bring your scrap metal Bolton into the yard.

You can choose the way in which you’d like to be paid, which can either be by BACs or by cheque, however, there will be no exchange of cash when you sell your scrap metal Bolton to us. We are one of the largest buyers of scrap metal in the Greater Manchester area, and we have fixed prices on all kinds of metal.

If you have any spare scrap metal Bolton, or you want to get rid of tonnes of stuff why not give the team at Metro Salvage a call? We’ll collect or receive your scrap metal Bolton, paying you it’s weight on the day. And for the very best part, we’ll always work within the law. Call 01204 388 488 or fill in the scrap metal form online.

Monday, 9 February 2015

Manchester | A Hub For Bad Parking

Manchester |A Hub For Bad Parking

The Manchester Evening News have run a story today, in which their readers can submit photos of terrible parking. We've all seen how terrible people can be at parking, and not only is it one of the most frustrating parts of driving, but can also sometimes be really dangerous.

scrap my car Manchester

The article focusses on car parks at The Trafford Centre, but whether it’s on a car park or in the street, not only can bad parking end up doubling the time of you journey, but can also be very dangerous, when you’re out and about. Whether it is double parking, making it completely unavoidable to swing into the opposite lane, or it could be that like some of these on the Manchester Evening News car parking spaces have been overlooked and there is a car parked in the middle of a car park.

Accident Damaged Cars Bought

Unexpected bad parking can sometimes lead to bad accidents, and if you have been involved in such an accident, why not get in touch with Metro Salvage today? You can scrap my car Manchester with us, and we’ll make sure that you are well looked after. We buy all cars, even accident damaged ones, and we can always pay you the very best prices.

Scrap My Car Manchester

We have been in the business of buying late model breakers and scrap cars for over 25 years, and we’re the very best in the Greater Manchester area. Why not call the team at Metro Salvage today to scrap my car Manchester? We’ll help you out if another driver has caused damaged to your motor. You can even use the cash that we pay you to put towards a new car.

So get in touch today on 01204 388 488 or fill in the online form on the website, and we’ll pay you the best price when you scrap my car Manchester, in cash!